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Passage of Proposition B to Help Improve ZSFG

Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) and its Capital Projects Team celebrated the passage of Prop B, which will allow several critical infrastructure projects to move forward on campus to the great benefit of both staff and patients. Prop B is a $390 million general obligation bond that includes more than $200 million in healthcare infrastructure improvements, including at ZSFG. Projects on campus will address seismic vulnerabilities, make much needed mechanical and IT system upgrades and strengthen the hospital’s facilities against the growing threat of climate change, such as the installation of a new chiller and cooling tower that supplies cool air and cold water to much of the campus. Their importance was made clear during a recent prolonged heatwave.

Prop B will fund a full seismic retrofit of Building 3, a six-story building that will provide working space for about 300 staff and house psych supportive services and continue to house the hospital’s Anatomic Pathology Lab. ZSFG staff will be moved out of older seismically deficient buildings on campus into Building 3 when complete. In addition, Prop B will help expand the capacity of ZSFG’s Psychiatric Emergency Services, allowing ZSFG to treat nearly twice as many patients in a light-filled space designed for better patient experience and care coordination.