ZSFG Updates


ZSFG Connecting with Older Patients in the Community

ZSFG’s Age Friendly Emergency Department (AFED) team recently visited Jackie Chan Senior Center in the Richmond District. Residents at the Senior Center were very supportive and thankful to have a service line like AFED that supports and provides services for older adults – particularly around the challenges around the use of technology at the hospital and linkages to care after ED visits. During this gathering, the team learned about the experiences of our mono and bilingual older community members at the hospital and identified opportunities to improve care through bolstering language services to help patients feel more at ease and reducing the need for patients to travel across the city to another hospital due to possible language barriers. ZSFG currently holds the bronze standard – Level 3 Geriatric Emergency Department Accreditation (GEDA) accreditation which recognizes the hospital for focusing and providing on the highest standards of care for our communities’ older adults. This is the first of many visits with our Chinese, Black and Latine-x communities to learn more about opportunities to better deliver patient-centered services at ZSFG.