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UCSF Pride Hall Opening

Pride Hall
Pride Hall Exterior

In the summer of 2023, UCSF faculty on the ZSFG campus began moving their offices and labs over to UCSF PRIDE Hall! This new facility, located on 23rd Street, near San Bruno Ave., is critical to continuing the 150-year partnership between ZSFG and UCSF and our shared mission to improve patient care for vulnerable populations in the Bay Area and worldwide.

With the opening of Pride Hall, the UCSF research community at ZSFG will be better positioned to carry out transformative research aimed at improving health outcomes.

Over 200 members of the UCSF research and academic community at ZSFG contributed guidance, recommendations and ideas, influencing building program and design modifications, guiding principles and move preparation.

Features of UCSF Pride Hall that will benefit our staff, patients and community include:

  • 175,000-square-feet
  • 800+ UCSF faculty, staff and trainees
  • 24/7 UCSF ID badge access
  • 18 conference rooms, 19 huddle & collaboration rooms
  • 9 print centers
  • 5 town centers
  • 5 floors
  • 4 lactation stations
  • Wet and specialty research labs: Biomechanical testing facility, Simulation Center Surgical Training Facility, UCSF Community and Clinical Research Center (CCRC)
Pride Hall Interior
Pride Hall Interior

These sustainability features will allow the campus to reduce its carbon footprint in a state-of-the-art environment:

  • LEED certification (pending)
  • Photovoltaic solar panels to produce 248,000 kilowatts of power annually for the building
  • Natural lighting
  • UCSF Green Lab standards
  • Bike storage and showers
  • Recycling, composting and waste reduction
  • Filtered water


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