ZSFG Updates

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Holiday Festivities at ZSFG

As the year came to an end, we capped off December in reflection and celebration at the hospital. The Patient Experience team and UCSF’s Dean’s Office organized opportunities for staff to give back to the community – organizing a Toy Drive where donations were shared with the Pediatric patients and shared with the community through the Jewish Family and Children’s Services Gift Drive, Toys for Tots, and the SFFD Toy Program. A clothing drive was also organized to collect clothing for patients being discharged from the hospital.

The ZSFG Wellness Team hosted a Pet Therapy session where a Golden Retriever, Brixton, dressed in holiday attire bringing cheer to teams across the hospital including the ICU and Birth Center.

Chief Nursing Officer Gillian Otway and the Pediatric and Perinatal Units hosted their annual Gingerbread decorating contest where CEO, Dr. Susan Ehrlich, and CMO, Dr. Gabe Ortiz, were amongst the judges. The five teams who participated were all deemed winners with the NICU receiving Best Overall, the Birth Center with the Funniest, Women’s Clinic as Most Festive, Children’s Clinic as Most Colorful, and In-Patient Pediatrics as Most Creative.

Wishing everyone happy holidays and a happy new year.

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